some of you might be interested in my latest activities....well I have started a new blog specifically for my school's Ski "Team" that I have been the advisor for (more of a club than a team, but who's counting?)...Anyway, let me introduce to you the Official Website of the Shredison High Vikings (my school is called Edison High) Ski and Snowboard Team...
We are connected to a Non Profit organization up in Tahoe called SKIDUCK and they are awesome. They have literally hooked us up with like 10 free Ski trips this year alone!!!! The kids are having a blast and they are getting pretty good! Also, if you ever want to be a chaperone, let me know!
Well, check out Shredison High and check out SkiDUCK,
and check yo'self before you wreck yo'self!
And Finally, major props and thanks to the Marvelous Mrs. Jones for the generosity of letting me do this! Love ya, babe!