Wednesday, July 25, 2007

high speed

for d. lyon

larry d.

for adam c,

adam, i hope this isn't you, but i hope it makes you laugh if you haven't seen it yet

big ups!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

new (and old) music monday

a friend of mine gave me this tape of a fellow named matt harding back in '99 and i've played it to the bone, probably more than anything else i've ever listened to...well, now with the internet revolution in full throttle i have finally been able to find out about this chap and actually buy some of his latest and greatest. in the process i stumbled upon another mighty fine matt harding - same moniker yet totally different lad and music. it's weird though cause now i'm torn between two feelings - on one hand i now know who matt harding is but on the other hand the mystique is not as it was when i had no clue...well hopefully i'll see him live sometime down the road and i can tell him my stupid story... anyways, hope you get just a bit of the magic i get when i listen to him, and try out the other matt harding if your down for something new....or not "if that's what your into, gettin rude with the food...." if you like mason jennings i think you'll dig matt #1. shoots, you'll probably dig 'em both

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


so i saw some of that documentary on synchronized swimming - that stuff is wild...
developed in the late 1890's and originally only dudes did it. it became an olympic sport in 1984. anyways, here is one of the few dudes that does it solo style (local boy)

also, i still am deciding whether or not i like the latest interpol...
i guess isabella has already given 2 thumbs up... you decide